



最初被称为卡罗莱纳市政协会. 早期.jpg

Twenty-two cities considered "founding" members: Asheville, 夏洛特, 次年, 费耶特维尔, 格林维尔, 格林斯博罗, 亨德森, 高点, 金斯顿, Laurinburg, Lincolnton, Morganton, 纽伯恩(1908年的名字), 牛津大学, 罗利, Reidsville, 为Rockingham市增加, 索尔斯堡, 斯泰茨维尔, Tarboro, 威明顿, 和温斯顿(五年后改名为温斯顿-塞勒姆).

Renamed North Carolina Municipal Association in 1922 when new constitution adopted

Purposes of organization always been to promote excellence in municipal government, 为官员提供交流意见的机会, 倡导城市和城镇, and to develop a "cooperative approach to all municipal problems of statewide import."


Among the municipal association's (as League was then known) early legislative successes were the following.

The Municipal Corporation Act of 1917 and the Municipal Finance Act of 1917, which gave cities and towns more local control and the authority to issue bonds.

Bills enacted to allow municipalities to "adopt zoning regulations, 为市政雇员提供团体保险, to charge sewer construction costs and drainage system construction costs to abutting property owners, to create recreation programs and to appoint cemetery trustees to operate municipal cemeteries."

A bill lifting the prohibition on city taxes on electric light, 权力, 气体, 街道铁路或其他公共服务公司. (1925).

League's history of regular publications to membership began in Jan. 1928 with publication of the North Carolina Municipal Review. Have had some stops, starts and major revisions, but still publishing, now known as Southern City.


1934年通过新宪法,成为美国.C. 自治市365足彩下载.

In 1935, 365足彩下载为城镇获得了500美元,000, the first direct state aid from state 气体oline tax revenues for streets inside municipalities.

中年.jpgEquitable share of state 气体 taxes was long-sought goal of League. First discussed in 1930s when League asked for 10 percent.

Legislative bill reporting service to membership began in 1935.

First Mayors' Day in 1935 - this legislative briefing and rally still held, 但现在被称为市政厅日.

Legislative accomplishments of the 1930s included authority to establish capital reserve funds, and ability to establish retirement systems for employees.

League began talking about home rule for cities and towns with discussion of a constitutional amendment in 1937.

In 1937, state took one-half of the intangibles tax revenues away from cities and towns, 想要全部拿走吗. 在随后的几年里, League fought to get this revenue restored.

365足彩下载在20世纪30年代开始提供采购服务, 为365足彩下载附属团体提供服务, 现场服务, 市政公用事业系统研究, 条例的编纂, 查询服务, 信息和研究, 和章程. The first directory of municipal officials was published in 1936.

League carried out several very large WPA projects during the depression years, including codifying existing ordinances for many municipalities, 建立统一的警察档案制度, 以及对政府行为的主要研究.

An investigation by the League on fire insurance rates on municipal property resulted in a 25 percent decrease in rates by insurance companies.

二战后, League expanded its 查询服务 and field operations, offering expertise to municipalities wanting to establish zoning and land use plans, 例如.

League began sponsorship of a group insurance plan for cities and towns in 1950.历史的标志.jpg

四十年代末, the organization continued efforts to increase state support for municipal streets and, in 1951, won perhaps its most famous legislative battle - enactment of the Powell Bill. When first enacted, provided proceeds from one-half cent of state 气体 tax. Now more than $180 million in Powell Bill funds annually go to cities and towns.

Since 1951, League secured several raises in Powell Bill funding.


在随后的几年里, 对兼并权进行了研究, 修改, 研究了, 修改 and come under fire almost every legislative session. The League has preserved this essential authority for cities and towns.


League helped secured local option sales tax authority for local governments - the original one-cent and the later, 额外的税.

The North Carolina League helped lead national efforts to reauthorize General Revenue Sharing in the 1970s.

The League won more home rule provisions for cities and towns in electing and structuring their governing boards.

Then Scotland Neck Mayor Ferd Harrison was elected second vice president of the National League of Cities in 1980, 第一个25岁以下的警官,人口1000万.

League worked closely with legislative commissions and legislators on revision of the state laws government municipal finances and the Budget and Fiscal Control Act.

League spearheaded efforts to get numerous clean water bond issues passed, most recently in 1998.

League was a leader in 1989 successful effort to greatly increase transportation funding.

与N合作.C. 县专员协会, built the Albert Coates Local Government Center in 1979, 无债一身轻.

Established self-funded pool for workers' compensation (NCIRMA) in 1981. 最近几年.jpg

Established self-funded pool for health and employee benefits (MIT of NC) in 1983.

Established self-funded pool for property and liability coverages (IRFFNC) in 1986.

这三只基金的财务状况都很好, operated by and for cities and towns and their related public entities.

建造了S. 1986年的利·威尔逊大厦,没有债务. Originally designed for the League's insurance operations, most of the space in this small building is now rented out.

建造大卫E号. Reynolds Building to house the League's insurance operations, 一般财务运作和其他365足彩下载职能. 也无债一身轻.